- Antiseptic Soothing Cream
- Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream helps treat cuts and minor wounds.
- Supporting the healing of damaged skin, Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream is an all-purpose antiseptic cream for the effective treatment of cuts, abrasions, scalds, insect bites, stings and sunburn.
- Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream can be used for the gentle and effective care of skin irritations and mothers cracked or damaged nipples* during lactation.
- Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream helps the skin to repair and is suitable to be used on baby's skin.
Active Ingredients:
Contains benzalkonium
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Email: birkenheadhealthplus@gmail.com
Phone: 09 480 5020
- Antiseptic Soothing Cream
- Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream helps treat cuts and minor wounds.
- Supporting the healing of damaged skin, Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream is an all-purpose antiseptic cream for the effective treatment of cuts, abrasions, scalds, insect bites, stings and sunburn.
- Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream can be used for the gentle and effective care of skin irritations and mothers cracked or damaged nipples* during lactation.
- Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream helps the skin to repair and is suitable to be used on baby's skin.
Active Ingredients:
Contains benzalkonium
Medical Health Retailer In Birkenhead - HealthPlus NZ
Buy premium health supplements, over the counter, personal health care, beauty, mum & babies products from Health Plus Store in Birkenhead Auckland or from online store that sell the best brands for less. From supplements that benefit your health to contact lenses and fragrances, you can get cheaper prices through HealthPlus NZ.
Your Satisfaction and your health is very important to us, If you need any help in any way please contact us using the details below :
- Ask a direct question related to this product on the Product questions tab
- Email us: birkenheadhealthplus@gmail.com
- Call us : 09-4805020
- Use the chat widget, on the bottom-Right of screen to chat with us if we are Online or simply leave a message to us.
See below more products on the same range or class that may help you, Stay Safe and Stay Well!
Birkenhead Health Plus, Your Health First!
Are you looking to buy in bulk?
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Email: birkenheadhealthplus@gmail.com
Phone: 09 480 5020
Are you looking to buy big from Overseas?
Please feel free to contact us to ask for the wholesale/export prices.
Email: birkenheadhealthplus@gmail.com
Phone: 09 480 5020
Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream 50g
Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream 50g
Antiseptic Soothing Cream
Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream helps treat cuts and minor wounds.
Supporting the healing of damaged skin, Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream is an all-purpose antiseptic cream for the effective treatment of cuts, abrasions, scalds, insect bites, stings and sunburn.
Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream can be used for the gentle and effective care of skin irritations and mothers cracked or damaged nipples* during lactation.
Bepanthen Antiseptic Cream helps the skin to repair and is suitable to be used on baby's skin.
Active Ingredients: Contains benzalkonium
How to apply:
Squeeze a small amount of Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream onto the affected area.
Gently massage the Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream into your skin until it has been absorbed.
Apply Bepanthen® Antiseptic Cream daily, or several times a day, as needed.